Thursday, March 16, 2017

White House Proposes Cutting $6 Billion from the National Institutes of Health Budget!

Attention Americans, the budget proposed by the White House cuts $6 billion from the budget of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). That is $6 Billion dollars, much of it being cut from medical research. The proposal phrases it as follows: "[The Budget]...rebalances Federal contributions to research funding." "[The Budget]...helps focus resources on the highest priority research." That sounds foreboding for rare diseases such as Scleroderma.

We cannot stand by and let this happen, especially us! We need to raise our voices and call our representatives and tell them this cannot happen and tell them why. We need to raise Scleroderma awareness in Congress and in the White House! Tell them your stories, your families' stories, your friends' stories, etc. Tell Congress BEFORE they vote on the budget! Take action now!

Take a look at the NIH website to see what they do

Call and email all your Congressional Representatives. If you don't know who they are follow these links to find out:

House of Representatives:



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